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archives Tag Me ! credits Designed by Fangmin Basecodes by Chocoxbaby Inspired by DancingSheep Monday, September 28, 2009
Will Be Inactive Until Exams Finishes!! Sorry Aye(: Thursday, September 17, 2009
I just cam back from terawei. Timecheck:10.05pm Lazy uhs. Point form uhs. Today,
Thats all, my blog is getting boring day by day. haha ohyah, tommorrow have Ncdcc, I kinda regret joining it. Waste of time and Boring. But, i cant quit. i just have to live with it. so yeahhh, what a boring blog -_-" Buhbye ((; Labels: Regret Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Heyy all, Today, had science test on molecules. Quite easy. Ingat susah Giler. MT had fun with jokes all around the class. zzzzzzzzzzzz. English lesson slacked AGAIN for an hour, superb fun. Played the bowling game again, PES and more. CCM, Boring giler. im just wasting time going for that class. After school, music room, Headed to simei with amirul and zamir, popular and back to sch School, met redza, talk. canteen with amirul,alethea and atiqahe1. truth or dare okay, thats all Sorry of the boring post. Going to bazaar. so had to rush. Buhbye Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Just came back from school Checktime:5.22 pm okayokay. Today, had Geography exams, okay uhs. Can pass bt dont know if can get A1(: Then, StudiedStudiedStudied English lessons, Mdm Shareena nvr come, so free time for an hour Slacked, played this bowling game with amelia thru leonards phone. FunFunFun I Won the Game. After sch, when to E1 classroom, They got the dance thing, playplayplay, Miss anisah came in, Scoldscoldscold. Coz class dirty. talktalk Redza And Amirul cb tell miss anisah i like F and A Which i dont. I think i should make it clear I DONT LIKE F AND A, I LIKE SOMEBODY ELSE NOBODY KNOW ((: Okayokay, To ppl out there, Redza Does not like the E5 girl, if he does, alot of ppl would know rdy coz, normally if redza were to like someone he would tell me then i would tell amirul then he will tell everybody that is how 3 off us work. We cant keep serect with each other but we dont care only some secrets can be kept okayy, Buhbye Labels: Damn you Sunday, September 13, 2009
Exams Tommorrow ((:
Helloows. Sorryy yesterday never post. Ermmm, YesterDay ;
I think thats all. sorryy, i put i point form. lazy uhs -_-" Most likely going to terawei with shaik, aarifiin and aziz.OKay Buhbye Labels: I love you but you dont. Right? Friday, September 11, 2009
I just came Back From the Library with Aarifiin. Stayed there For an hour. Study, Talk and stuffs There, saw Michelle , atiqah, zi hiang and hidayah. Michelle was like Michelle: Ehh! Hafizz Hafiz: *Turn* Yeahhs? Michelle: *click* Photo taken. haha Hafiz: -_-" Pathetic -_-" After the Studying, when to the pondok nearest to bdk library, played Card games. blahblahblah 340pm left and took bus 33 home. Bored~~ What else.... Ohyah, 1 more day to Sony Walkman E- series, Jyeahhs. I'm buying the mp3 Tommorrow morning at East point ((: Buhbye(; Labels: -_-" Thursday, September 10, 2009
Heyy Idoits, Today,
Okay, next month will be my 1 year anni of superb close relationship with Farah Nadhirah. Currently, Shes Merajok-ing. You guys don't know her, so maybe ill put her photos on that day. okay then. P.S Shes Just a friend (: Buhbye ((: Labels: Slacked Wednesday, September 9, 2009
What A Boring Day -_-"
Heyyy, I've nothing much to say actually. Ermm, i woke up at 11 Plus, I think? then played computer, studied, watched tv thats all, i Guess. Thinking of praying Terawih tonight. See first uhs. Since i got nothing to say, i guess i just reply all the taggs. Even if i've reply, i just do it again. hahs Hafiz/Tiqaah! : Hellowws (: Haha, okok . I'll try not to make my blog Dead Again. heess~ Hafiz/Freda: Heeyys, OKOK, your linked too (: Anywy, you know me rdy? I think i saw you at the NDP , Right? Hafiz/Izah: Supp! thanks aye (: Hafiz/Michelle: Hehe, Russell Peters Funny Right? Hahas, Okok Hafiz/Dalene: Haha, sorryy Aye , I'll Change it Hafiz/Syabilla: Heyy, okokays (: Hafiz/Rinna: Yeahhs, SureSure Hafiz/Naseha: OkAy, your linked too (: Hafiz/Leo: Cannot larh, ipod so expensive. buy for me cancan? Okay thats all, ohyah. I'm getting the Philips Geogear vibe this Saturday. I wanted the Sony walkman, buts its too expensive. Lol. Okay, Buhbye ((: Labels: Philips GeoGear Vibe Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Courts! 080909 ![]() Guys! , See the two Mp3 players up there? Which one should i buy? The Sony Walkman E Series for 199bucks or the Philips Gogear Vibe for 149bucks. I have a Feeling i should buy the Sony Walkman MP3. Hahs. Okay, moving on ~~ Went to Courts Tampines with Aariffin to see some Mp3 players. I Really need One!. Ohyah the Bus 168 broke down halfway. Then we got free bus tickets. WalkSee WalkSee WalkSee, Took Some pictures. Then went to my house where we played games and uplaoded photos. Before that, In the bus aarifiin once again Tak Puase. I think this make him not Puase-ing for 9 days? I think uhs. So, we talktalk at my house. At 3.15 we went to telok kurau park, Played, aariffin ate the dadeh that my mom gave. I just tahan and went home. Okay! HERE ARE SOME PICS Okay Peoples. Thats all. Bye (: Labels: Exams exams exams (: Monday, September 7, 2009
What A Day
Heyy Humans, Finally, i got the mood to start blogging again. hmmph,, okay I had Science Class just now, Quite fun uhs. The teacher told Ghosts Stories blah blah blah But the gylerh part is that the the ghosts stories had alot of Sick parts. The teacher also told uhs that if you go to Japan you put a dollar coin inside this box and you can watch p#rn for the whole day. And he did it -_-". Sick Teacher. Okay enough, wash your brains. So after class, slack for awhile with the boys and when off to bedok green. I waited like 45mins then Aariffin and his friends came out. Fcuk Uhs!. Then we went to Tampines Safra where we played Bowling, Air Hockey and stuff. And i Lost -_-" Pathetic. After few hours of playing, we went to bedok reservoir, there Aarifiin became Romantic, idk what he did to his girlfriend. Bulan Puase larh aarifiin! Bertaubat. Walkwalkwalk, then went home. okay larh, That's All Peace, Selamat Berpuase All! THAT'S ME ! ♣HAFIZ♣ ![]() 13 Years old 02April1996 Single/Not Interested (: Tampines Secondary School I Have Facebook/Friendster/Msn Just like You Kick-ass@live.com.sg See You There, Humans | Facebook | Friendster | link me up!
Copy the codes below to link me! recently ♠ :D ♠ HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAQILA! (:Hello, Actually, Shaqila... ♠ What Do you think of Me?Clever (;Hot? Tee Hee XDCo... ♠ Would you just listen and please don't say a word,... ♠ What is your full name ?- Ahmad Hafizuddin Do... ♠ Hello , Today , im just gonna post whats on my rep... ♠ Where can i find this markers? 'Uni paint" is easy... ♠ YOU! ♠ Relieved (: ♠ Will Be Inactive Until Exams Finishes!!Sorry Aye(: nostalgia ♠September 2009 ♠October 2009 ♠November 2009 ♠July 2010 |